Friday, June 3, 2011

Chinese Teen Sells Kidney for iPad 2

A 17 year old boy in China surfed the internet and found an ad saying they'll pay RMB20,000 for a kidney that's about $3087.14 in USD. The boy traveled north to the city of Chenzhou in Hunan Province where the kidney was removed at a local hospital that discharged him after three days. The boy's reasoning for selling a kidney was "I wanted to buy an iPad 2, but I didn't have the money" after everything was said and done the boy had a new laptop and apple handset. The boy's mother found out about the deal and was unable to track down the people that bought her sons kidney.


  1. Jesus Christ, that's pathetic, get a job and buy it, he'll regret it when he's older.

  2. Wow..That's just..Wow. I get that you only technically need one, but jeez. At least he went to a hospital to get it done and didn't wake up in a bathtub full of ice..

  3. When I first heard that, I was totally shocked and thought ''where the world is going?''

  4. I can't believe this story, just incredible. What is the world coming to.

  5. LMAO that is dedication right there :)

  6. Wow... That's all there really is to say to this.
    I'm sure he'll regret it once the iPad 3 comes out.

  7. The Chinese are leading the world in GDP at the moment.

    About half of them are as crazy.
